Intro to disc golf

Frisbeegolf Kasteteknikk: Hvordan kaste forehand

Frisbee Golf Throwing Technique: How to throw f...

The forehand comes very naturally to some players, while others struggle more with getting the right forehand technique/throw. One possible reason is that this technique requires the player to give...

Frisbee Golf Throwing Technique: How to throw f...

The forehand comes very naturally to some players, while others struggle more with getting the right forehand technique/throw. One possible reason is that this technique requires the player to give...

Hvordan kaste backhand i frisbeegolf - en enkel og effektiv guide

How to throw a backhand in frisbee golf - a sim...

Frisbee golf is a fun and challenging sport that is constantly increasing in popularity. Although throwing a frisbee may seem simple, there is a lot of technique and strategy involved...

How to throw a backhand in frisbee golf - a sim...

Frisbee golf is a fun and challenging sport that is constantly increasing in popularity. Although throwing a frisbee may seem simple, there is a lot of technique and strategy involved...

hyzer anhyzer rett

How to cast hyzer, anhyzer and straight

What does it mean to throw hyzer, anhyzer and right? How to cast hyzer: Throwing a disc on the hyzer means for a right-handed backhand thrower that the disc is...

How to cast hyzer, anhyzer and straight

What does it mean to throw hyzer, anhyzer and right? How to cast hyzer: Throwing a disc on the hyzer means for a right-handed backhand thrower that the disc is...